Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 4: Heat

As it gets chilly outside and starts to dip below freezing more and more at night, I am reminded how wonderful it is to have heat inside to stay warm. Whether it is a woodstove to curl up in front of or a furnace to keep the house warm, it is so nice to be warm. I think alot of times it is easy to take something for granted that we have and sometimes easy access to and we grumble about having to turn on the heat but there are many who don't have a warm house to live in. I know that we have had the heat on for awhile now off and on because it definitely hasn't been the warmest year and I am very grateful for the option to be able to turn on the heat when we need it. I know it isn't something that comes free and I suppose I should be thankful for the money to be able to have heat but tonight I am really just thankful for a warm house. This may or may not seem like something to write about to be thankful for but when you think about it isn't just a given to have a warm house to live in-it is pretty big to me.

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