Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 40: Today isn't yesterday

Hi again,
I suppose I have a few things that I can be thankful for today but I am really thankful that today wasn't yesterday or like yesterday. Yesterday my back was so bad that it kept me down. I had to spend most of the day laying down because it was too painful to move around much. When I did have to move around, it was extremely painful and I was pretty much in tears. I actually have a prescription for what is possibly causing the pain this time around but yesterday it wasn't working. I am not saying this to cause people to feel bad for me because I don't want that-it's just to share why I am thankful today isn't yesterday. Today the pain subsided somewhat again and even though it's still pretty bad, I can move around today and I didn't miss out on so much today. I am so grateful that each day is a new day with new possibilities and sometimes the pain from the day before doesn't carry over into the next day or at least it calms down somewhat. I am thankful that we don't have to carry the problems from the day before into the next day and we can start fresh if we want to. Since my back is still bothering me a bit, I will leave it at this. I will keep it short and sweet. :)

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