Monday, January 17, 2011

3 Months down

Hi again,
I planned awhile back to give an update every month and I imagined that I would have good news to give but today it isn't quite positive. This post isn't easy for me to write but I feel I should be honest. While I have noticed improvement in the way I view each day, the last week and a half have proved to be more than difficult for me with so many little things happening that caused pain and together they brought me downhill again. Yesterday I finally snapped unable to hold it together any longer. I am not proud of this as any other person would not be but it happened and I can't change that. I still recognize the blessings in my life more but at the same time I also spiraled this week. It was kind of a strange thing to me. I think more is needed than just seeing the blessings but also knowing how to deal with the bad stuff that comes my way so it doesn't build up. People say things that hurt and my family says things that hurt and I think I am just brushing it off  but in reality I am just stuffing it down and it builds and then it all comes out at once. It isn't just what other people say though, it's also my limitations that frustrate me and that builds up as well. I am sharing this to say that I recognize this is not the way to deal with problems as I am sure most people already understand, but maybe some are like me and do the same despite efforts to change. I am hoping that while I continue with this project that I can also improve in other areas of my life as well and maybe in another month I will have more positive news to share. Thank you for joining me in this journey.

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