Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 77: Social Media sites

Hi again,
Today I am reminded how useful social media sites are because when I have a question, I can fire it off on twitter or facebook or online forums and I can get answers from other people who have the answers I am seeking. Whether it is about a product I am considering buying or just a general question about something-there is usually at least one person that will have a suggestion or answer. It can be so incredibly useful and today I was wondering about laser pointers for my cat and whether there are any that take batteries other than button cells. The reason is that the button cells drain so fast and even getting them from the dollar store cheap can get expensive after awhile. I have a feeling maybe that the laser pointer I have eats up batteries faster than others do. Either way, I got answers back relatively quickly because I can easily reach a very large number of people through social media sites. So today I am thankful for the sites like twitter and facebook and online forums (specifically Smart Canucks ) because I find them very useful and helpful or more accurately- the people on these sites are wonderful. I also try to help wherever I can when I spot a question someone else has that I have the answer to. Thanks for reading my blog!

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