Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 232: Crows

Hello again,
This is definitely something that seems unlikely to be thankful for but I am thankful for crows! I noticed that crows eat the dew worms!!!! Dew worms are such a problem in our lawn and seeing the crows eat the dew worms make me sooooo thankful for them!!! I almost wanted to hug the crow! I have seen them scratching at ant hills too and eat the ants. They sound awful at times but if they are going to be around either way and they will eat the dew worms-I am totally thankful for them! They are apparently very smart birds too. It can be amusing to watch them together sometimes and I wonder what they are saying to each other. lol I am changing my opinion of crows as I learn more about them. I wish they sounded more pleasant and would not scare other birds away but they are who they are right? I think they are here to stay and we still have other birds here as well so it isn't so bad. So today I am thankful for crows. :)

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