Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 243: Compliments

Hello again,
This post is for Friday as I was unable to post. My back was in really bad shape and I was unable to sit at the computer.
For this post I am thankful for compliments. Earlier this week, I recieved some great compliments from someone I know for my good eye with photography. I really appreciate compliments because it makes me feel good and it lets me know I have done something good. Too often people are quick to point out what we do wrong and slower to point out what we do right. So when I recieve compliments, I really appreciate them. Sometimes I feel I don't deserve them but I appreciate them none the less. They build self esteem as well. I try to remember to compliment people when ever they do good because I know how good it feels that someone notices good work or a job well done or talent/gifts that we have and use. This is why I am thankful for compliments

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