Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 254: first strawberries of the season

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. For this post I am thankful for having the first strawberries of the season from our strawberry plants. Strawberries right out of the garden are so much better than the berries from the store. There is absolutely no comparison in any way. Strawberries from the store are white in the middle and picked way too soon and not as sweet. If you have room in your garden-plant some strawberries. You will not regret it. I started growing my own patch years ago and it has continued to grow and last year I had over 100 plants. There is alot of space here for fruit trees and strawberry plants though so that is so nice. Anyways I had picked a few and sliced them on a slice of bread and it was so good! So thankful for that.

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