Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 269: plants are resiliant (to a point)

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. For this post I am thankful that plants are resiliant (to a point) and can bounce back after a near death experience. lol We ended up getting some plants that were destined for the dump and they were near death and I have coaxed plants back to life before so I knew they could be saved. A little tlc and water go a long way! Even for our plants that they can bounce back after getting pounded by hail or they get too dry on a hot day and wilt a bit before getting the water they need. It is amazing how much a plant can take and still bounce back. Of course there is a point of no return where a plant just doesn't have the ability to recover. There are also plants that are super finnicky that will not recover from the slightest set back. But alot of plants are very resiliant and I am thankful for that. Otherwise I would be screwed because the hail keeps hitting them. I am thankful that they regrow again. As I write this we are experiencing another thunder storm and I am hoping I don't jinx anything writing this and we end up with a huge hail storm that completely finishes them off. They do look a bit sad from the last 2 hail storms this week. But like I said, they can bounce back (if they are not hit so hard that they are pulverized) and I am thankful for that. Thanks for reading my blog. :)

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