Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 259:new recipes that taste great

Hello again,
I am attempting to send this post via email from my phone because the internet stopped working yesterday. This post is actually for Sunday because I was unable to post because I was babysitting my nephew. I planned to catch up yesterday but the internet stopped working. For some strange reason I can visit my blog on my phone but can't sign in and post directly to it. I can however apparently send an email to a special address and it is supposed to post on my blog. So here it goes! Hopefully it shows up correctly.
For this post I am thankful for new recipes that work but more specifically ones that I have created or my family has. We have Honeyberry bushes which have lots of berries finally but are rather new so there are not a lot of recipes for them. They are more sour than saskatoons and blueberries but not by a ton. They are not quite a berry you eat right off the tree however. I wanted to make some sauce from them and threw some stuff together just roughly guessing what might taste right. It turned out really really good and I wonder if it was partly luck. Lol Anyways I was really thankful it turned out so good because it is more enjoyable to eat that way. It is a recipe that we will definitely use again! It feels good to have people compliment something you have made- especially when it is something you have come up with on your own!

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

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