Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 136: Encouragment

Hi again,
Today I am very thankful for encouragment. I have been having a really tough time again lately and I talked to some people on a site I am a member of and mentioned how I have been having a tough time and they offered encouragment and support to me. Their words of encouragment were helpful in reminding me of stuff and what they said to me actually made me cry (thankful tears-not sad tears). Encouragment seems so simple in a lot of ways yet it can be so helpful. Some of the people I know through the site have been through similar stuff to me in the sense that they have gone through back problems or chronic pain or other stuff that they can relate to me and I can relate to them and they know what to say. Others just listen and that can be amazing in itself when you are going through tough stuff and just need to vent. Sometimes we are not looking for answers or advice and all we need is a listening ear or some encouragment that we can get through it. I consider these people to be friends and I am so thankful for them and their words of encouragment and support. I am thankful for my family also and how they encourage me and support me through so much. It isn't just friends that offer support and encouragment! My family does as well. Sometimes support/encouragment comes in the form of tough love which sometimes is what I need while other times it isn't. Anyways I am thankful for encouragment and support. THanks for reading my blog!

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