Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 317: Poetry

Hello again,
This post is for Tuesday because I have been unable to post. I actually didn't realize I was so far behind because I thought I posted on Tuesday which I did but I was posting for Monday. It got too late to catch up. I apologize. For this post I am thankful for Poetry. I am thankful for it because it is often so beautiful and rhythmic and I love listening to people reading it. I also love to read it as well. I suppose I should say I am thankful for good poetry because not all poetry is good. There is some really bad stuff out there. lol Poetry to me is an art form-a beautiful way to share thoughts and feelings that is more than just writing it down. I am thankful for it because it evokes emotion in me when I read good poetry. It leaves me feeling like I experienced something. I always find it so fascinating how grouping words together can become something so powerful and stir emotions so well. I have been told I write well (which may or may not be true) but I can write well and not be able to write poetry. Maybe I would be able to but I haven't had success with it yet. Poetry is more than just words that rhyme. Anyways I will leave it at this because I feel I am struggling to do it justice. I am thankful I have been able to experience good poetry. 

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