Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 326: hitting all green lights

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. Have you ever had a time where you go in to town and every light is green? I have had this very rarely but it has happened. More often when I get more green lights it is almost every light green or half the lights green. Then there are the times that you just squeak by as the green light turns yellow which is nice too. On occasion I experience getting practically every single light red and it is a great reminder how nice it is to be the one with the right of way. It really does make a difference in time if you happen to get more green lights or more red lights. I love getting the green lights when I am running late. lol It is just like this amazing thing to make up for my mistake of running a bit late. I never expect the lights to be all green though and I plan time for traffic and what not so I am not late so that if I don't get the traffic or red lights I am just a bit early which is never a bad thing.... except if I am going to the dentist which is somewhere I don't want to be. lol I don't want to look too eager to be there. lol It is so nice when I get lots of green lights-it makes me smile. It is like I am having a lucky streak or something. lol I also feel good when I arrive at my destination on time or early because I know I am not causing others to wait. I know everyone's time is important and it is a sign of respect to show up on time. So having mostly green lights and what not is nice because I don't run late and not feeling rushed and bad that I am late. So there are definite benefits to getting green lights. lol This is why I am thankful for green lights.

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