Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 330: Pictures that make me laugh

Hello again,
Today I am thankful for pictures that make me laugh. You know-the ones that you look at and they are so funny that you can't help but burst into laughter. You can't help but laugh no matter what mood you are in because the photos are so funny. I love the photos that I get by accident that are really funny because of the expressions on people's faces or what ever my cat happens to be doing the moment the camera takes the photo. Today I captured a photo like that and it makes me laugh. I don't know if it would make other people laugh as much but I will post it at the bottom. Maybe part of the reason it's funny to me is that it's apparently talk like a pirate day and he sort of looks like he is a pirate talking. lol just imagine the eye patch and him saying "Ahoy Matey" or "hardy har har". Anyways I was trying to get photos of my cat who was laying so cute and he decided to lick his mouth at the same time. I chuckle just thinking about it. These kinds of photos make me laugh which helps brighten my mood and I feel better. This is a very good thing of course. :) Well this is the simple reason why I am thankful for pictures that make me laugh. I hope the picture below makes you chuckle as well. I was sort of having fun with it in Adobe as well which is why the background was taken out. Feel free to add your own caption in the comment area as well. :)

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