Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 197: hearing something at the right time

Hi again,
Today I am thankful for hearing something at the right time when I need to hear it. What I mean is when I am going through something and trying to find answers and then I hear something that clarifies things that I am thankful for that. Or even hearing a song that speaks to me about something I need to hear. The other day I turned on the radio and I heard a song that the words just hit me and almost brought me to tears. People can debate where this comes from, whether it is God affecting stuff or coincidence or what ever and people do but what ever the case- I am thankful for the times I hear what I need to when I need to hear it. Sometimes it is a song that I have heard so many times but then when I am going through certain circumstances, it will hit me or click in a different way or help me to realize stuff.... or I will just relate to it differently. It is hard to explain I suppose but I think we have all been there maybe. Sometimes for me it is that I am going through something and I hear someone speaking about a topic that has to do with what I am dealing with and things make more sense. I am very thankful for that. I hope this makes sense-I feel that lately I am having a harder time expressing myself and my thoughts. It could be because I am distracted and need to focus more. lol Anyways this is what I am thankful for today. :)

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