Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 204: washing machines

Hello again,
Today I was planning on being thankful for just cleaned bed sheets but didn't quite know how to put it in the title that it would not appear strange. lol So I opted to be thankful for washing machines and everything they clean. First of all, I am thankful for washing machines because we don't have to clean everything by hand. I have heard about the way clothes used to be cleaned by hand in the old days a few times. lol Second, I am thankful for them because it's so nice to wear clean clothes that are not full or dirt or mud or what ever. What...I like to play in the dirt. lol Mainly gardening but sometimes I still like jumping in a mud puddle or two. lol Yet I also like to clean up after. :) I like the feeling of clean clothes. I also like the feeling of freshly washed bed sheets. Or towels that were just washed and still so nice and fluffy and soft. I also love that washing machines are getting more environmentally friendly so that less water is wasted and less power is used. :) So maybe you can get the fresh out of the washing machine/dryer feeling more often. :) This is why I am thankful for washing machines.

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