Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 210: People pulling together in a time of need

Hello again,
Today I am thankful for people pulling together in a time of need. Just to clarify, I am not the one in need. :) Recently a town called Slave Lake in Northern Alberta had a wildfire pass through part of the town and many homes and businesses were completely destroyed. Seeing the pictures and video causes me to cry because it is truly heartwrenching and it looks like a war zone. There is so much devastion but out of the ashes comes stories of generosity and people pulling together to help those who lost everything. From something so heartwrenching comes something so heartwarming to see people pulling together with donations for those in need. I know that it is still so sad but at the same time it is so neat hearing about the amount of donations pouring in. It seems that when ever a tragedy hits that we all step up to help each other out and I think that is amazing. I wish that these tragedies didn't have to happen and I don't understand why they do but I do find it wonderful and comforting seeing people's generosity. It doesn't take away the pain people are experiencing but I hope it may help them begin to move forward. I know that it will take quite awhile for the clean up to start and rebuilding to happen and it will be a long road ahead... but I think with people pulling together to support those in need that it may be even just a tiny bit easier to move forward. I wish I could do more as I am sure we all feel but each of us doing what we can (however big or small) will make a difference. I am so thankful to see people pulling together because it reminds me how much good we can do when we come together and that we do pull together when a community needs help. Thanks for reading my blog.

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