Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 209: Being sensitive

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. For this post I am thankful for something that is sometimes viewed in a negative way which is being sensitive. I am sensitive and often thought it was a bad thing but I am beginning to realize that it can be a good quality. I see that being sensitive, I am more aware of how others are feeling and I can be of more help to them. Sometimes it is tough because I almost feel like I am experiencing other people's feelings along with them and it stays with me and I can get overwhelmed. Yet I realize that it enables me to better understand and help others so it can be good. I also feel thankful that in a society where it is easy to become desensitized with all of the images thrown at us, I am still sensitve and still feel for others who are going through bad circumstances. I think it is when we become desensitized that we are in trouble. I know I have my moments where I am not so sensitive and say dumb things that I shouldn't but none of us are perfect right? I also feel horrible when I have hurt or wronged someone and I feel the need to make it right and sometimes that is not good because I end up bothering people more than making things right again. So I know there are downsides but for the most part I think being sensitive is something to be thankful for. Something I have seen because of being sensitive is that so many people are suffering through something and we are not alone when we are going through pain. So many times we put on a brave face and a smile and act like we have it all together. Then it starts to seem like everyone else has it together and is fine while we are alone dealing with so much pain and we are the only ones with our lives falling to pieces. Yet sometimes if you look beyond the smile you will see a broken heart. Sometimes people are just happy though and I do love encountering those people. :) I have tried to be tough and not care what other people think of me or what ever but it isn't me. So I am deciding to try to embrace being sensitive and be thankful for that part of me. So this is part of me and who I am and I am thankful for it. :)

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