Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 172: Flower Seeds

Hello again,
Today I am thankful for flower seeds as I begin to plant them again for this year. I am thankful for them for a few reasons. The first is that I can grow flowers on my own without needing to do cuttings and what. The second is because each year I am left in awe over how a plant can come from such a tiny seed. It reminds me of the wonderful things that happen around us every day. It helps me to notice so much more around me  to be thankful for when I really think about everything that happens around us without us having anything to do with it. Sure we water and care for the seeds to grow them into plants but we don't cause the photosynthesis or tell the seed to grow roots and a stem and then leaves and so forth. Everything that is programed into that tiny seed is so amazing. The last (but not least) is that flower seeds grow into plants which grow flowers which I love so much. :)

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