Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 186: good days

Hello again,
Sorry for the short absense but I have been unable to post. So this post is for Saturday and I wanted to post about being thankful for Good days. I think I should explain this a bit. What I call good days are the days where I have minimal pain and I have a good day. The reason I am thankful for these good days is because of days like Saturday which was a bad day. Every so often I have bad days where I am in so much pain that simple tasks like walking around the house or carrying something as small as a glass of water are very difficult due to pain. On days like Saturday, I am now starting to be grateful for the good days instead of thinking about the pain I am in and being negative about the bad days. I was proud of myself that while going through the pain, I kept feeling grateful that it isn't constant and I have good days because that pain could very well be constant. Because of the bad days, I don't take good days for granted and I enjoy each one and I don't think I would so much if I didn't go through the bad stuff. I don't think I could recognize how much of a blessing it is to be without pain if I didn't know what the pain felt like. I know that everyone can relate because we have all been in pain and then gotten better and it feels so amazing doesn't it? Like when you have a headache and the headache goes away and you are so grateful to be headache free because it feels so amazing. Where if you didn't have the headache then you would not realize how amazing it is to be without a headache right? That is what I mean here. Another example would be the weather I suppose. If we didn't experience cloudy stormy days then we would not realize how wonderful the sun is and wouldn't be so happy when it comes out again. If we always had the sun, we might take it for granted because we haven't experienced anything else. I am not saying I want pain or like pain but I am finding the positive in it which is that it helps me be thankful for the good days. Looking forward to the next good day helps me to get through the bad days also. So this is why I am thankful for good days. :)

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