Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 174: Mistakes

Hello again,
Today I am thankful for mistakes I have made. This may seem a bit odd to some people so let me explain. Every time I make a mistake then I have the opportunity to learn from it and not repeat it again. If I learn from a mistake then I am hopefully becoming smarter on what not to do. lol  I read a quote once a long time ago that something is only a mistake if you don't learn from it. So I have always remembered that and I try to learn something so I don't repeat the same thing over again. I suppose I am growing as a person through my mistakes. Another way to phrase it is that my mistakes teach me lessons. I do not always learn though (I am human after all) and it sometimes takes a few times for the lesson to sink in. lol I also find that when I look at mistakes I make in this way that I have less regret. I can move on and not continue kicking myself. We all make mistakes-that's part of life. We might as well turn those mistakes into something good right? I remember a story about Edison creating the light bulb. As far as I remember it, people thought Edison failed 10,000 times before creating the light bulb but Edison told them "I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." While in this instance it was failure and not mistakes, I still think it is pretty similar and makes the same point I am attempting to make. Every time he failed or made a mistake according to other people-he was learning and using that to do better the next time. He knew not to look at something as a failure and to look at it as a learning opportunity. This is why I am thankful for my so called mistakes/failures. :)

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