Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 184: Earth Day

Hi again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. I felt that since it is Earth Day and Good Friday today that I should have a post for each so for yesterday's post I chose to be thankful for Earth Day. I think Earth day is great because it reminds us to be kind to the environment and to think of ways that we can be more environmentally friendly. It doesn't have to be anything huge and it doesn't have to be costly either. In fact some ways to be more environmentally friendly actually save us money! One example would be turning off lights when we are not using them which cuts down on electricity we use (which helps the environment)  and also saves us money. Choosing to use the air dry function on the dishwasher saves money and helps the environment as well. Making your own compost is great and saves money because it helps your plants which can cut down on fertilizer you need which cuts down on what you spend for fertilizer. Some things like cutting down on the waste you create may or may not save money but it is a great thing to do. Even creating a flower garden with plants that don't need to be watered as much is helpful to the environment. Or simply buying a plant for your home helps clean the air. Or plant a tree outside. There are many simple ways to change how we impact the environment and I am thankful for Earth Day because it gives us a day to think about what we can do. We don't have to make drastic changes to how we live to help the environment but you can do that if you are able to. I would like to leave you with some facts to check out.
One of my most favorite facts is this one: Recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to power a tv for 3hrs!!!!
There is also one that says recycling a glass bottle can power a light bulb for 4hrs!!
There are some really neat facts here also at It is worth checking out!

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