Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 176: Hairspray

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. For this post I am thankful for hairspray because it comes in handy when it's windy. :) The past few days have been quite windy and while there is a certain point that hairspray can't hold your hair, it is useful for breezy days and your hair isn't all over the place when you walk inside. It also holds those annoying little hairs in place that are determined to not stay out of your face. lol Or hair that isn't long enough to be pulled back into a ponytail. There are also some amazing uses for hairspray that have nothing to do with hair! From an article on it states that hairspray can help preserve cut flowers. Apparently it also works as insecticide but it does this by hardening the wings of insects which I think would lead to a slow painful death for the insect. But that is my opinion. Readers Digest claims that it can stop runs in pantyhose! RD also says that hairspray is useful to remove lipstick from fabric. "Apply hair spray to the lipstick stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe off the hair spray and the stain should come off with it. Then wash your shirts as usual." Another use apparently is keeping recipe cards clean. Apparently if you spray the recipe cards with hairspray it makes wiping food splatters off easy. RD also says that it removes ink stains! This could be very useful because this has happened to me a few times. It works by spraying the ink stain and then wiping it and apparently it comes right off. So there you have it-hairspray is something to be very thankful for!

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