Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 346: Bubble wrap :)

Hello again,
This post is for Wednesday because I was unable to post due to health issues. The same health issues that I had to go to the hospital for a couple of weeks ago. I may not be able to keep up too well this next little bit because I may have to go back into the hospital. I just want to let people know who do read this blog that I may not be keeping up too well for the next bit but that I am doing what I can and I haven't quit. So keep checking back if you don't already follow the blog. :) I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my blog as well. Thank you. :)

For this post I am thankful for bubble wrap. The reason? Getting to pop it after you take it off the product it was protecting!!! Oh my goodness it is so much fun! It is also fun trying to come up with different ways to pop it. It always makes me smile. :) When I was a kid I would go nuts with it if given the chance. lol I would stomp on it or sit on it or pop it with my fingers or what ever way I could think of. I found it fun to find different and new ways to pop it. How can you not smile when popping bubble wrap? It's an instant mood lifter for me. The stress just "pops" away. lol sorry. I couldn't help it. Plus I am thankful for it because it protects stuff as well. lol For these very simple reasons, I am thankful for bubble wrap.

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