Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 363: mirrors

Hello again,
The finish line so to speak is coming up quickly! Wow this has been quite the year. I know I have said this already but I just wanted to say it again. This is the 3rd last post of 365 posts. wow.
Today I am thankful for mirrors. They come in handy so much-not just to help us see ourselves to get ready in the morning but they also help us when we are driving, slr cameras, telescopes, disco balls (lol sorry couldn't resist adding this in) periscopes, in decorating to make rooms look larger, etc. There are so many uses for mirrors and many of which we use on a daily basis. I am not so sure many of us use disco balls or periscopes on a regular basis but some of the other items we do. lol I would definitely miss having an slr camera or rear view mirrors when driving and very grateful for them. I am also so thankful for mirrors to use when I have something in my eye or to check if I have anything in my teeth. :) I am guessing there are more uses that I have not mentioned that are probably part of very common items but these are just the ones that came to mind. Without mirrors as part of these items it might be very hard to find something to make them work. This is why I am thankful for mirrors.

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