Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 349: celebrating Thanksgiving with family

Hello again,
Today I am thankful that I could celebrate thanksgiving and with my family. It worked out better to have the meal today so my sister, brother in law and nephew could come so we did Thanksgiving today. We had turkey and stuffing and all kinds of other good food. We had fun together and caught up with each other and how everyone is doing. I am really thankful that we could all be together. I am thankful for so many things. I love the thanksgiving holiday because it is a time to really think about all the good in our lives and how much we are blessed and celebrate those blessings. It is a time for family to come together and celebrate with one another. Our family get togethers are relatively small since a lot of my extended family lives half way across the world but it is still very special. It is pretty laid back which I love as well. This is why I am thankful for celebrating Thanksgiving with my family.

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