Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 350: gratitude books

Hello again,
This post is for yesterday because I was unable to post. I can not believe I am on day 350. It has been quite a journey for sure and I think I have learned a lot. I feel I am much more aware of the good things in my life and it has got me through a few pretty tough times. There have been a few times that were really tough to get through and normally it would have sent me downhill emotionally but being able to focus on the positive, I was able to keep my head above water so to speak. I feel what I am going through currently is one of my bigger struggles I have gone through in awhile and I admit it is challenging to stay positive but I am doing better at it than I would have before I started this project. This time it is more a combination of different things hitting me at once but I know I can get through it. I will not go into it any further but I just wanted to say that I have noticed a difference in my life. I do encourage people to make a list as well and try to look for blessings each and every day. Make a habit of looking for them and then before long it seems to become second nature. I am glad I have done this project because it has helped me in many ways. Just 15 days to go!

For this post I am thankful for gratitude books. During this past year I have really been trying to find and read books to do with gratitude and I am thankful for the good ones out there. The first that comes to mind that I feel falls under this category is "The Book of (even more) Awesome" which I highly recommend reading. Another good one that I have read that reminds me of the blessings in my life is "1003 Great things to smile about" It is just a small book but reading it always gets me smiling and I read things that I am grateful for in my own life. It is funny because there are a few that I enjoy but these 2 are the only ones I can think of at the moment. Well that is good I think for now anyways. Maybe at some point I can do a list of books I have read that are really good and I can reccomend them. Thanks for reading my blog!

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