Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 Months in and what I have learned

Hi again,
Well I have now been blogging for 2 months and I have noticed that I am seeing much more to be thankful for than before I started this project. I think it is partly due to watching more closely for things to be thankful for that I can post on my blog that I notice alot more blessings in my life. I find for the most part I am feeling happier than before also. I still have difficult days but doing this blog helps me through those days usually. Every day I am thankful for much more than what I post but for this project I am only choosing one each day to be thankful for and one blessing that I haven't wrote about previously. So when I am done at the end of the year, I should have 365 different blessings that I am thankful for. So far I have thought of 60 and there is still more to be thankful for! I am starting to have days here and there where I am having trouble finding blessings I haven't mentioned yet but there is always something even if it is small. Then I have other days where I have quite a few that I have noticed and could write about and I have trouble picking just one. But the best part of this blog is that it is helping me to keep more positive while I go through stuff that normally gets me very down. Something that is very difficult for me currently is my financial stuff and how close I could be to living on the streets if it wasn't for the help of my family and help I recieve from the government. I am not joking here or making light of the situation here. This is another reason I am so extremely grateful for my family. I am not lazy and I do not like the position I am in and I am trying to change it but my financial status does not have any bearing on how good or bad I am as a person. Being where I am has helped me realize how easy it is to lose material possessions and reinforce a belief I have that people who have no money are not neccessarily there because of something they did or didn't do. I see too often that people with money look down on people without money as if people without money are less of a person. That isn't the case neccessarily. I know that some are there because of bad choices but not everyone is. Anyways I apologize for going off track a bit but I felt the need to mention that. I have learned a fair bit through the past 2 months and I do not know if it is helping anyone else as well as me but I hope it is. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

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