Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 43: Lactaids

Hi again,
This post is for yesterday because I missed posting yesterday.
Today I am thankful for lactaids or the store brand of lactaids. I am lactose intolerant and lactaids have made it possible for me to eat food that contains dairy products. I haven't always been lactose intolerant so I know what I am missing out on if I don't get to eat it! lol Today we had Creamy Chicken Soup which is absolutely amazing (it's soup my mom makes) and it is mostly milk so I grab a lactaid and I don't have to miss out on something that is absolutely so incredibly good. When I became lactose intolerant I quickly realized that milk is in so many things I didn't think about. Sometimes bread even contains milk. It is so weird that such a little pill can make it possible for me to eat something that would normally make me very sick. Because of this little pill, I can consume milk, milk based sauces, ice cream, pancakes, pasta with cream sauces, pudding, pies that contain dairy products, etc. The list goes on and on. Even chocolate has milk in it. So I am incredibly thankful for the lactaids or the store brand version usually called dairy digestive pills or something to that extent. It even makes potlucks alot easier that I don't have to guess which food doesn't contain milk and hope I get it right. :) So this is why I am thankful for lactaids.

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